Sunday, August 11, 2013

5 Months

Five months, WHAT?! I don't know how it's possible that she is already five months. We always say that we wish we could just keep her at this stage (at every stage she is in) forever, but the truth is she is getting cuter by the day, if that's even possible! I was afraid I would get a wild child, which i'm sure we will, but she has been the best baby! The only thing that is hard about her is that she wont nurse so Mommy has to pump five times a day, boo!!! I complain about it all the time to Cory but honestly I'm so thankful that she is able to drink my milk.

Fun things about Tessa:
-She can sit up now
-Loves her sophie giraffe
-One of our favorite things she does is when she gives us a big smile and turns her head like she is embarassed, its so cute!
-She started eating rice cereal and she has ate sweet potatos for a few days now
-She has figured out about Bax and loves to grab him
-She rolls all over the place
-She loves to lay under our fan in our room and kick her feet and giggle
-She is still wearing 3-6 month clothes
-She sleeps great but I would love if she would sleep till eight or nine haha
-She takes about three 40 minute naps a day
-She loves her jumper and to chew on her toys while she is in there
-She loves to play peek a boo
-She thinks that everything has to go in her mouth
-She drools all the time but she still hasn't got any teeth in
-She still sleeping in her bouncer
-We don't swaddle her at nights anymore
-When she wakes up in the morning or at naps we can hear her chatting away and kicking her feet


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