Friday, November 15, 2013

8 Months

Another month has come and gone and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how fast this girl is growing. She has such a cute little personality and it's showing more and more everyday. She is so much fun and we couldn't imagine life without her

Fun things about Tess:
-She talks out of the side of her mouth like "Popeye" and it's so cute 
-Anytime we are eating, no matter what it is, she think she need to have some
-She gets into EVERYTHING!!!!
-She loves to eat Baxter's food. As soon as we put it down on the floor she heads right to it and laughs at us when we tell her no.
-She LOVES the bath
-She is starting to be a little Mommy's girl
-She says Dadda all day long
-One of her favorite things to do is crawl through the bottom of all the chairs
-I had to move the pictures under my end table because she constantly was attacking them
-She is getting better at taking her naps
-In the mornings after she wakes up from her nap Baxter gets so excited and runs in her room. When she sees him she gets so excited and starts kicking her arms and feet, it's so cute!
-She loves to attack Bax
-Still in size three diapers
-She is wearing 6-9 months and some 6-12 months
-She still fake coughs and when we do it with her she gets excited and laughs
-She loves to drink out of my water bottle
-She is still sleeping from 7:30-7
-There has been a couple nights where she woke up at 5 but we just ignored her and she went back to sleep. It made both Cory and I feel so bad to let her cry in her room but we didn't want her to think that every time she cried that we would come and get her. 
-Loves Factiming with Aunt Wee
-She has two teeth and her top two are starting to come in
-She still isn't walking yet and she doesn't seem interested in it at all, thank goodness!!!

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