Saturday, December 29, 2012

32 Weeks

How far along: 32 Weeks
Total weight gain? 11 pounds. I see my doctor every two now and I did gain three pounds in two weeks, which I kinda freaked out, but the last two weeks I somehow lost two pounds.
Sleep? Fair. It's getting harder for me to get comfortable while I sleep. I never have a hard time going to sleep but when I wake up to go to the bathroom I can't go back to sleep.
Best part of this month? We were SO BLESSED at Christmas. My Mom and Dad gave us a rocking chair for her room and her diaper bag and his parents gave us clothes and a really nice baby monitor. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Worst part of this month? I am starting to feel a lot of pressure, which does not feel good at all and sometimes when she moves certain ways it hurts really bad. It's getting harder to breathe while I'm sitting up because she is up in my lungs more but everything is so worth it!
Food cravings: I'm still loving cuties
Gender: Still a little girl
Symptoms: Other then the pressure and not being able to breathe I have felt really good, thankfully! Secretly I was hoping when I told my doctor that it was getting uncomfortable to workout he would tell me to stop but that didn't happen haha.
Belly button in or out? It popped out right after 28 weeks
Wedding ring on or off? On
Looking forward to? Getting the nursery done. Cory will have all the board and batten done this week and then I can start decorating, yay!!
Happy or Moody? Happy but I have been more emotional this month. I think this is the first time through my whole pregnancy that I can say I have been hormonal. I have broke down crying to Whit, my Mom and Cor a couple of times. So thankful for them listening to me cry and cheering me up.

I just found out that Ashley will be joining my Mom, Whit, and Teig when they come out here and I'm so excited. I'm praying that she stays in till they get here so they will be here for her birth.

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