Saturday, December 1, 2012

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks. Yay I'm in my 3rd trimester.

Total weight gain? 10 pounds.

Maturnity clothes? They are still mixed in with my regular clothes.

Sleep? Fair! Some nights I wake up during the night to have to go to the bathroom and I can't go back to sleep for hours, it's so annoying! Poor Cory looses alot of sleep due to my constint tossing and turing in those sleepless hours.

Best part of this month? Having my family feel the baby. My cute mom started crying when she felt her move for the first time. LOVED being home with them! I can now feel different body parts and not just a big blob. She is mainly sitting on my right side right now so most of her movement and kicks are on that side.

Worst part of this month? My feet have started to swell up while I'm at work. I never knew how painful it could be. I'm praying that it doesn't start happening more often. It's getting harder for me to put my shoes on and to get out of bed. When Cory is there he usually gives me a push and I laugh everytime. I can only imagine how it's going to be in a couple months.

Food cravings: I have been obsessed with cuties lately. I went through a whole box in three days.

Anthing make you queezy? Yes I can't look at blood or watch anything that is gory. I'm usually totally fine with that stuff but I have to close my eye whenever that stuff comes on.

Gender: Still a girl

Symptoms: I still feel really good. I do get really worn when doing things, my house is starting to show the effects of that haha. I have LOVED being pregnat. I told Cory the other day that I'm so excited to have our sweet baby here but I will miss her moving around and kicking me all the time. There is nothing better then feeling your baby move inside of you.

Belly button in or out? haha it's not in or out.

Wedding ring on or off: On

Looking forward to? Christmas and Cory not having to go to school over the break.

Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! I haven't felt hormal except when ever I think about my baby or other peoples babies make my tear up.

This has been such a good month. I got to go home with my family, I feel her move more and more everyday, Thanksgiving and of course going to the Doctors and hearing her little heart beat. My Doctor told me that she is still breech so we are praying that she will flip on her own so that he doesn't have to do it or that I don't have to have a c-section.

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