Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tessa's Birth Story

 I knew that I really wanted my Mom and Sisters to be in the delivery room with me when Tessa was born so Cory and I decided that we would have my doctor induce me on my due date. My family flew in late Wednesday night and thank goodness they didn't fly in on Thursday because the airport was shut down due to a winter storm.
Friday morning we were all set for me to be induced. Cory and I decided that he should still work that day because we didn't want him to waste a vacation day sitting in the hospital. When I got to the hospital with my family I had so many emotions going on inside of me, I was so excited to get our sweet little girl here but I was also nervous and scared. We arrived at 9:30 a.m. and I didn't get pitocin till about 11:30 a.m. Cory came to the hospital not long after that and I was so excited to have him there with me. Soon after Cory got there, they checked me and I was still only a 1 1/2 so we knew it was going to be a LONG day of waiting. The nurse told me that I could have my epidural around 8 p.m. and that they would break my water after they gave me the epidural. After that things started to progress a little faster than they had been.
Cory's Mom came up around nine but I still wasn't close to having the baby so she and Ashley went to my house to sleep. At 1:30 a.m. the nurse came in to check me again and I was at a 7. Everyone got really excited because I was finally making good progress. We called Ashley and Shelley to come back because we knew that Ashley would never forgive us if she missed the birth haha.
Around five in the morning the nurse came in and checked me again and I was at a ten but Tessa was a little stuck. The nurse had me get on my hands and knees and sway from side to side whenever I could feel a contraction. I did this for twenty minutes or so and then she said it was time to try and push. I didn't know what to think when she said that!  I always pictured labor being awful but honestly I LOVED every minute of it. Pushing was hard and wore me out but even while I was doing it I still liked it.
After about 30 minutes of pushing, the nurse told us that Tessa's head was starting to come out and I just stared bawling. I couldn't believe I was so close to holding my little girl in my arms. Cory had told me the whole time while I was pregnant that he wasn't going to watch her come out. I was a little bummed out about that and I was hoping that once we were in the delivery room he would change his mind. Luckily he did change his mind and he came up to my side with a big smile and said "Shauny I saw her head". That made me more happy than anything else and it made me want to push more. My doctor, Dr. Forseter arrived right after that. They put a mirror up so that I could see her being born and honestly it was the coolest thing ever to watch her come out. Dr. Forseter looked and me and said "okay Shaun give me one more big push". I knew that it was my last one so I pushed really hard and there she was! They laid her on my chest and I can't even describe how amazing it was to hold my little girl for the first time. She was wide awake and just looked at everyone and everything around her. It's crazy that you can have that much love for someone that fast.
We had all thought that she was going to be really small when she was born; so when the nurse weighed her and told us that she weighed 6 lbs 14 oz, we were all surprised that she was that big. Honestly after they took her to get weighed and everything I was so exhausted that I didn't really care. I hadn't slept in 24 hours and giving birth isn't exactly a walk in the park. I don't think I have ever been so exhausted in my entire life but it was so worth it.



I'm beyond grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with this sweet little girl. She has brought so much happiness and joy into our lives. She has only been in our family for a short time but in a way it fees like she has been in our family forever. We love you so much Tessa and we are so thankful that you are in our family.


  1. she is adorable! i'm glad everything went smooth. i'm sad i couldn't see you while you were here. i miss you & hello, you don't even look like you had a baby!

  2. Ok If I wasn't excited enough to have my little one here I sure am now after reading that! I'm so glad it went so well for you. She's the cutest!
