Wednesday, December 25, 2013

10 Months

You would think since she has had a bow on pretty much everyday of her life that she would keep them on but nope she refused to have one on during this picture.  She's a little stinker but we love her so much!!

Fun things about Tess:
-She is getting so opinionated. If she doesn't get what she wants or we take something away from her she starts crying until she finds something else she wants.
-Every night after we eat we start the tub while she is still in her high chair and as soon as she hears the water she gets so excited and starts kicking her legs and flailing her arms.
- She has a little crab and block letter that she loves to play with while she is in the tub
-We had to put her pack n play in front of our TV because she gets into baskets in the tv console and also likes to play with the xbox power button. She now has figured out how to push the pack n play out of the way so that she can get to everything
-She LOVES to get into the kitchen drawers and pull everything out
-I can't do any laundry while she is around because she pulls them out as soon as I put them in a basket
-She is a really big Momma's girl
-She loves to tighten up her muscles and make grunting noises
-She loves to be on Daddy's shoulders and be chased around the house
-When she gets caught doing something bad she starts shaking her arms and tries to get away really fast
-If she is going after something that she shouldn't and you see her, she'll look at you, squeal and go as fast as she can to beat you there.
-She walks with her motorcycle all around the house while she laughs and babbles
-She's always making funny faces
-She loves to put blankets and other things in front of her face and play peek a boo
-She has taken a couple steps while standing in between Cory and I
-When she's in our room she goes directly for Baxter's food and when she gets busted she hurries over to chew on Daddy's papers
-She HATES being in her car seat while we are in stores. She likes to sit in the cart and look at everyone
-She loves to help us unload the dishwasher haha
-Another tooth came through and one more is almost out
-STILL chewing on everything
-Points her finger like a gun
-Waves "bye bye"
-She loves to give kisses
-She crawls around making noises all day long
-She climbs on everything
-She is starting to copy us
-She loves to chew on anything but her favorite is paper
-She is starting dance when music comes on
-If Cory and I are wrestling she starts crying because she thinks we are hurting each other
-I had to move the pictures that were under an end table in our living room because she just wanted to climb on it
-She likes to take her diapers out on by one and throw them on the floor
-She has three teeth and her fourth tooth is almost through

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